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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته

        Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Through the Fadl and Grace of Allah, the Madrasah was established in 2005, to serve the Muslim community in the Knighton area, Leicester.

Madressah Taleemul Qur’an consisted of only a handful of students in its primary years. It has, Alhumdulillah, with the support of the community, expanded to cater for a range of educational needs for the Muslim community.

The Madressah caters for boys and girls from the age of five up to the age of sixteen. These classes are held in the evening and also consist of Hifdh classes where every effort is placed on the children to support their memorisation of the Holy Qur'an.

It is our most heartfelt appeal to all our brothers and sisters to continue supporting the Institute with their generous contributions by
1) Making du’a
2) Benefitting from all of the Institute’s activities
3) Providing financial support.

Please fill in the standing order form and return to Knighton Community & Educational Centre - click here

Actions are according to intention, and a person receives only what he has intended. Therefore, whoever’s emigration is for Allah and his Messenger, his emigration is [truly] for Allah and his Messenger. And whoever’s emigration is for any worldly gain or a women who he is to wed, then his emigration is for what he emigrated. (Bukhari,Muslim)